Local Governing Bodies Across Pennsylvania Focusing on Climate Action
According to local officials within the Centre Region Council of Governments (COG) in a statement today in the Central Daily Times that costs to local municipalities related to climate change are rising. According to the article, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) spent an extra $125.7 million for flood and landslide infrastructure in 2018 alone. On top of that, according to COG Sustainability Planner Pam Adams, Centre Region has seen an increase in extreme rain of 55% since 1898. Extreme weather events cost money, create safety issues, and cause fiscal disruptions to local agriculture.
Seeking input on how to make the community a more “healthy, equitable, resilient and sustainable” place to live, the Centre Region Council of Governments plans to release a survey to help draft its Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. You could be one of the lucky 3,000 random addresses ( 2,000 homeowners and 1,000 Single family renters) who receive the survey via mail. If you are one of the lucky ones, please be sure to fill it out by April 20th. If you’re not, you can easily ensure your voice is heard online here: Centre Sustains.
What was surprising about the COG Climate Resolution is that Centre County, Pennsylvania’s average MT CO2/person is 10.21 versus a global average of 4.35 MT CO2!
Learn more about these stats here: Central PA Climate Change – Centre Sustains
That carbon emission number is 67% because of our building energy usage (52% residential buildings and 48% commercial) which means the work we do here at Envinity can make a significant difference reducing 67% of our footprint as a county.

Centre Sustains Climate Action Plan
Why now?
In July, the COG adopted a climate resolution, committing itself to a “pragmatic, fiscally responsible” strategy to decrease greenhouse gas emissions by 80% in 2050. This document will highlight climate strategies for water, agriculture and land management, waste, energy and transportation.
How YOU can help:
- Fill out your mail-in survey if received by April 30th
- Take the survey online to ensure your voice is heard: Centre Sustains
- Both enter you to win a free Envinity Energy Audit OR Downtown Improvement District Gift card
- Attend the Public Forum 4/13/21 from 6:30-8:30 PM Spring 2021 Climate Forum – Centre Sustains
- Sign up for an Energy Audit to learn more about your personal carbon emissions due to home energy usage and get clear steps on what you can cost effectively do to fix it: https://www.envinity.com/solar-energy-audits-hvac/energy-energy-audits/
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